1144 Adams Street

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No. 11544 1144 Adams Street, photograph February 21, 2011.

Date of construction: circa 1883

based on 1884 atlas


circa 1870

Stick Style

Owners from maps and atlases

1874  Mrs. D. T. V. Huntoon owned a large lot with no house on Adams Street

1882 Huntoon estate has been subdivided into lots

1884  James Pope

1889 James Pope with a building  – the outline of this building looks like the outline of the building on the  

          1898 map – could the map maker have made a mistake by leaving the house off the map?

1894  vacant lot owned by James Pope

1898  James Pope

1904  James Pope

1910  Gregory T. Morrill

1918  Olive A. Morrill

1933  O. A. Morrill  7,541 sf


Jan. 15, 1880 from Horace Littlefield to James Pope 1481.2  with a plan

consideration $775    12,067 sf 2 lots 8 and 9


Blue Books

1885-1886 Mrs. L. A. Williams

1894    Mr. & Mrs. C. Irving Swan

1896    Mr. & Mrs. C. Irving Swan

1898    Mr. & Mrs. C. Irving Swan

1900    Mr. & Mrs. C. Irving Swan

1902    Mr. & Mrs. C. Irving Swan

1904    Mr. & Mrs. C. Irving Swan

1906    Mrs. Addie D. Elkins

            Mrs. Hannah G. Dillaway

1908    no entry

1910    Mr. & Mrs. Gregory I. Morill [sic]

1913    Mr. & Mrs. Gregory T. Morrill

1915    Mr. & Mrs. Gregory T. Morrill

Boston Directory 1888

Swan, C. Irving, blue and black prints, 19 Exchange pl. rm. 18, h. Plain, Nep. 

Boston Directory 1889

Swan, C. Irving, blue and black prints, 19 Exchange pl. rm. 18, h. 1144 Adams, L.M. — see page 1927

Boston Directory 1890

Swan, C. Irving, blue and black prints, 19 Exchange pl. rm. 18, h. 1144 Adams, L.M. — see page 1876

Boston Directory 1891

Swan, C. Irving, blue and black prints, 19 Exchange pl. rm. 18, h. 1144 Adams, L.M. — see page 1857

Boston Directory 1892

Swan, C. Irving, blue and black prints, 19 Exchange pl. rm. 18, h. 1144 Adams, L.M. — see page 1905

Boston Directory 1893

Swan, C. Irving, blue and black prints, 19 Exchange pl. rm. 18, h. 1144 Adams, L.M. — see page 1964

Boston Directory

1894  Swan, C. Irving, blue and black prints, 19 Exchange pl. rm. 18, h. 1144 Adams, L.M.

1895  Swan, C. Irving, blue and black prints, 19 Exchange pl. rm. 18, h. 1144 Adams, L.M. — see page       2121

1896  Swan, C. Irving, blue and black prints, 19 Exchange pl. rm. 18, h. 1144 Adams, L.M. — see page      

1897 Swan, C. Irving, blue and black prints, 19 Exchange pl. rm. 18, h. 1144 Adams, L.M. – see page 2226

1898  Swan, C. Irving, blue and black prints, 19 Exchange pl. rm. 18, h. 1144 Adams, L.M. – see page 2331

1899  Swan, C. Irving, blue and black prints, 19 Exchange pl. rm. 18, h. 1144 Adams, L.M. – see page 2502

1900  Swan, C. Irving, blue and black prints, 19 Exchange pl. rm. 18, h. 1144 Adams, L.M. – see page 2420


1910 – 1144 Adams Street

Gregory T. Morrill, 53, b. Mass., mill hand, chocolate mill

Olive A. Morrill, wife, 46, b. Canada

Wilber H. Morrill, son, 18, b. Mass., salesman, wholesale millinery

Frederick A. Wallace, stepbrother, 50, b. Mass., inspector, Ordnance Dept.

Eben H. Goodline, boarder, 79, b. Mass., own income

Henry N. Twiss, lodger, 59, b. Mass., expressman, own team

1920 – 1144 Adams Street

Gregory T. Morrill, 63, b. Mass., mill hand, chocolate mill

Olive A. Morrill, wife, 55, b. Nova Scotia

Wilbur H. Morill, son, 28, b. Mass., dentist

Marie A. Morrill, daughter-in-law, 26, b. Virginia

Walter Tucker, lodger, 43, b. Mass., mill hand, chocolate mill

Clinton Abbott, lodger, 39, b. Mass., mill hand, chocolate mill

Stanley Snow, lodger, 21, b. Newfoundland, machinist, machine shop

1930 – 1144 Adams Street

Gregory T. Morrill, 73, b. Mass., retired

Olive A. Morrill, wife, 66, b. Canada

1940 – 1144 Adams Street

Gregory T. Morill, 83, b. Mass.

Olive A. Morrill, wife, 76, b. Canada

Anna M. Isner, sister-in-law, 78, b. Canada


Posted on

July 13, 2020