No. 6775 115 Adams Street, photograph June 29, 2005.
Date of construction: probably 1823
William Homes House
circa 1820
Owners from maps and atlases:
1831 no name
1850 W Homes
1858 W. Homes
1874 Mrs. Elizth Holmes
1884 Hrs Wm Homes
1889 Wm Homes Hrs
1894 William Homes Hrs and William Homes
1898 William Homes Hrs and William Homes
1904 William Homes Hrs and William Homes
1910 William Homes Hrs and William Homes
1918 William Homes Hrs and William Homes
1933 Frank Panico
April 5, 1823 from Elihu Kilton to William Homes 82.200
16 acres no mention of buildings
probably a different property May 27, 1837 from George Homes to William Homes. 116.97
half an acre bounded on the north by land of Ebenezer Eaton, east by the road leading over the meeting house hill south by land of William Holmes and west by a lane which separates the premises form land of William H. swan with the dwelling house shop and all other buildings