Pharmaceutical Era – July 1, 1894 page 21 – Archer is accused of violating the liquor laws
Frederick W. Archer, a druggist of Lower Mills, is accused of violating the liquor laws by dispensing spirits to his patrons for medicinal purposes while waiting to have his license renewed. In the Dorchester District Municipal Court, Judge Churchill fined archer $50 for his alleged offense. Archer’s counsel, however couldn’t see it, so the case was appealed and will be brought before a higher court. On May 12, last, Mr. Archer sold a quantity of liquor to Napoleon P. Whittier. At this time, he was not in possession of his new license and was awaiting the action of the Police Commissioners upon his petition. As there seess to be a general agreement or understanding that a dealer may continue selling while awaiting the action of the board upon his petition for a renewal of his license, Mr. Archer felt no compunction in so doing. Charges were preferred against him, however, by Charles McGonan of Mattapan, who
From The Pharmaceutical Era, February, 1919 (New York, 1919) 57.
Fred W. Archer, a leading druggist of Boston, was recently appointed by Governor Samuel W. McCall to be a member of the Board of Registration in Pharmacy … Mr. Archer was born in Brookline in 1862 and was educated in the public schools of that place and later completed a course in the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, graduating in 1885. Before attending college he opened a pharmacy on his own account at 1193 Washington Street, Dorchester being then only 19 years of age. In 1895 he moved his business to 1181 Washington Street, and built and occupied in the same year his own building at 2297 Dorchester Avenue. In addition to the last named store, he also conducts a pharmacy at 573 Talbot Avenue, Dorchester, which is in charge of his son, Charles A., who is also a registered pharmacist. Mr. Archer’s family consists of his wife and two sons, the other son being senior 1st Lieutenant of the 374th Unitd States Infantry, station in Porto Rico.
Mr. Archer is a member of the American and Massachusetts Pharmaceutical Associtaions; a trustee of the Dorchester Sasvings Bank, chairman of the building committee of the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, and a member of the Boston Association of Retail Druggists and of various fraternal organizations. His home is at 5 Richview Street, Dorchester.
The following is from The N.A.R.D. Journal. volume 20 (Chicago, 1915) 382.
Fred Archer, who recently took over the Arthur Tripp Drug Store in Dorchester, is remodeling the store. Among the improvements is a new soda fountain to take care of the increasing business.
Note Frederick W. Archer and Cora A. (Brown) Archer’s son Harold Davis Archer served in World War I.