Oliver Wendell Holmes School

No. 289. Postcard. The Oliver Wendell Holmes School, 40 School Street. postmarked March 23, 1919.

Oliver Wendell Holmes School (Middle)

40 School Street, Dorchester
Built 1905. The school was certified as complete on August 1, 1905 and was occupied for school purposes on September 13, 1905.
A.W. Longfellow, Architect

Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894) was a note physician, poet, novelist and essayist. He was born in Cambridge but practiced medicine in Boston, where he also lectured at the Harvard Medical School. He wrote many popular poems including the celebrated “Old Ironsides” and the humorous “Wonderful One-Hoss Sahy”. He was an outstanding literary and cultural leader of Boston.


What’s In a Name? Names of Boston’s Schools: Their Origin. Boston: School Volunteers for Boston and the Boston Public Schools, 1980.


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June 24, 2020