Burke Brothers
Leading Business Men of Back Bay, South End, Boston Hghlands, Jamaica Plain and Dorchester. (Boston: Mercantile Publishng Company, 1888), 207.
Burke Brothers, Carpenters; Window Screens and Screen Doors made at short notice; all jobbing promptly attended to. No. 27 Hancock Street, Upham’s Corner. Upham’s Corner, and in fact, all the surrounding neighborhood being a growing section of the city, there is a wide field presented for the operations of a competent firm of carpenters and builders, and this field is admirably occupied by the well-known and representative house of Burke Brothers. These gentlemen began operations in 1882, the firm being made up of Messrs. W. E. & H. W. Burke, both of whom are natives of Nova Scotia, the former being connected with the Odd Fellows. The premises occupied are located at No. 27 Hancock Street, and comprise two floors, employment being given to twelve efficient assistants. A steam-engine of six horse-power is utilized to drive the machinery in use, and wood-working of various kinds is extensively carried on. Window and door screens being made to order at short notice, and jobbing of all descriptions given prompt and careful attention. Messrs. Burke Brothers enjoy unsurpassed advantages in their line of business and are able to meet all competition, either as regards the character of the work turned out or the prices quoted on the same. They use reliable stock and employ competent help only, thus being able to guarantee their work in every respect. If any of our readers are thinking of building, they would o well to consult this firm, for any desired information will be cheerfully given, and contracts will be entered into for the prompt and satisfactory carrying out of building operations of any kind.