E. A. Clark & Co., contractors and builders

Clark E. A. & Co.

The Dorchester Beacon, June 28, 1913

  1. A. CLARK & CO.

Leading Contractors and Builders of Dorchester—Dealers in Real Estate and Insurance Agents,

Offices at 744 Adams St.

There is perhaps no section of Dor­chester that is more desirable as a residential district than on the upper end of Adams Street. Some of the finest old estates of Greater Boston were in this vicinity, and of these some of the best have been converted into fine additions where splendid streets have been cut through, sewers built, water pipes installed and sup­plied with electric light, etc. One of the finest parts of Adams street is the Sunnyside Park, of which E. A. Clark & Co. are agents. In all there were 150 building lots.  the smallest comprising 3.200 square feet. Over a third of these desirable building lots have been sold, and numbers of fine single and two-family houses of the better class have been erected. The Adams street cars pass the property, and the Cedar Grove depot of the N. Y., N. H. & H. R. It. is.but a few minutes’ walk from the property. If you are seeking a safe investment or a very desirable location in which to build a home, you cannot find a bet­ter value or a more beautiful spot in New England for the prices that are asked. Furthermore, K A. Clark & Co. as contractors and builders will erect your house on most liberal terms of payment.

This firm, comprising Eldon A. Clark and William I. Tower, was formed one year ago, although the senior member of the concern has been identified with this section for several years. They are well- equipped builders and dealers in real estate, and act as insurance agents, representing many of the most reliable insurance corpora­tions of the world, and will place all classes of insurance at lowest rates of premium. They spe­cialize in the care and management of estates, collect rents and negotiate loans on first class mortgages. In addition to having many splendid properties for sale, they also have on hand a number of one, two and three-family houses for rent or for sale. They offer an unusual investment, and those who contemplate putting their money into first class property will do well to see the members of this firm, and benefit by their expert knowledge of property values in this growing section of Dorchester. Or, if you want a house built they will be pleased to give you valuable ad­vice, and if awarded contract, will guarantee the utmost satisfaction, living up to the specification of the contract even to the smallest detail.


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December 10, 2023

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