Printed Materials relating to Dorchester Religious Institutions
Blanchard, Hiram W. Church History in Dorchester Also an Open Letter No. 2 to the Second Congregational Church. Quincy, 1882 at Mass Historical Society in box
General Association of Massachusetts. Minutes of the General Association of Massachusetts, at their Fifty-sixth Annual Session, Held in Dorchester. (Boston: Crocker and Brewster, 1858).
Lord, Robert H. et. al. History of the Archdiocese of Boston. (New York: Sheed & Ward, 1944). 3 vols.
McRoberts, Omar M. Streets of Glory: Church and Community in a Black Urban Neighborhood. (Chicago: University of Chicago, 2003).
Johnson, Kenneth D. “The Enduring Black Church and Its Critics: A Book of Omar McRoberts s Streets of Glory.” Trotter Review, 15 issue 1 Religion and Civil Society (9-21-2003)
Tucci, Douglas Shand. Church Building in Boston, 1720-1970. With an Introduction to the Works of Ralph Adams Cram and the Boston Gothicists. Issued by the Trustees of the Dorchester Savings Bank. (Concord: Rumford Press, 1974).
Tucci, Douglas Shand. Gothic Churches of Dorchester. (Ann Arbor: Xerox University Microfilms, 1974). 2 vols.
All Saints (Episcopal)
Floyd, A.P. History of the Parish of All Saints. (1945).
Tucci, Douglas Shand. All Saints, Ashmont: a Centennial History. 1974.
Tucci, Douglas Shand. All Saints Church, Boston: An Introduction to the Architecture of Ralph Adams Cram (vol. 2 of The Gothic Churches of Dorchester). (Ann Arbor, 1975).
Tucci, Douglas Shand. Church Building in Boston, 1720-1770: With an Introduction fo the Work of Ralph Adams Cram and the Boston Gothicists.
Baker Memorial Methodist Church
Our Golden Jubilee, 1891-1941. (Dorchester, 1941).
The Blaney Memorial Baptist Church
The Blaney Memorial Baptist Church. Includes historical sketch. Handwritten date June 6, 1906, possibly date of ownership of the pamphlet.
Blaney Memorial Baptist Church. One Hundred Years, 1882-1982.
Fiftieth Anniversary Program. Blaney Memorial Baptist Church. 1932.
Dorchester Religious Society of Young Men
Matthews, Albert. Dorchester Religious Society of Young Men. (Boston: David Clapp & Son, 1905).
Dorchester Temple Baptist Church
Dorchester Temple Baptist Church, 670 Washington Street, Dorchester 24, Massachusetts. Seventy-fifth Anniversary. (Dorchester, 1961).
First Baptist Church
The First Baptist Church: Declaration of Faith and Covenant … Together with a Brief History of the Church and a List of Members. January 1, 1843. (Boston, 1843).
First Church
Baker, Daniel Weld. Historical Sketch of Dorchester: First Parish. (Albany, 1916).
Beals, Ross W. “The Half Way Covenant and Religious Scrupulosity: The First Church of Dorchester, Massachusetts, As a Test.” William and Mary Quarterly, 31, (1974).
Denormandie, James. Addrress on the Apostle Eliot by James Denormandie, D.D. Given upon the occasion of the presentation of the chair of the Apostle Eliot by the First Church in Dorchester to the First Church in Roxbury. March 17, 1907.
First Parish in Dorchester, Massachusetts. Dedication of the Sixth Meeing-House Thursday, May 6, 1897.
First Church. Records of the First Church at Dorchester, in New England, 1636-1734. Boston: G.H. Ellis, 1891.
Harris, Thaddeus Mason. Memorials of the First Church in Dorchester from Its Settlement in New England, to the End of the Second Century. In Two Discourses, Delivered July 4, 1830. (Boston: From the Office of the Daily Advertiser. W.L. Lewis, Printer, 1830).
Parish Annual 1910. The First Parish, Meeting House Hill, Dorchester, Roger Sawyer Forbes, Minister. (Dorchester: Underhill Press, 1910).
Proceedings of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of … the First Church and Parish of Dorchester, Mass., Coincident with the Settlement of the Town, Observed March 28 and June 7, 1880. (Boston: George Ellis, 1880).
First Methodist Episcopal Church
Chaffee, John R. History of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Dorchester, Mass. (Boston, 1917).
The One Hundredth Anniversary of the First Methodist Episcopal Churchy, Dorchester, Massachusetts. (Dorchester, 1916).
Twenty-five Years of Methodism in Dorchester First Church, 1916-1941. (Dorchester, 1941).
Greenwood Memorial Church
Berry, Lawrence F. Greenwood Memorial Church (Methodist Episcopal) Dorchester, Massachusetts. Dorchester, 1936.
Grove Hall Universalist Church
Parish Register of the Grove Hall Universalist Church, Dorchester, Massachusetts and Favorite Recipes. (ca. 1912).
Harrison Square Church This is the third Unitarian church in Dorchester
Bradlee, Caleb Davis. Thirtieth Anniversary of the Founding of the Harrision Square Church, Dorchester District, Boston, Massachusetts. October 13, 1878, a sermon, Boston, 1878.
Harvard Congregational Church
Manual of the Harvard Congregational Church, Dorchester. (1889).
Parkman Street Methodist Church
50th Anniversary, 1874-1924, History and Souvenir. (Dorchester, 1924).
75th Anniversary, 1875-1950, Parkman Street Methodist Church. (Dorchester, 1950).
Pilgrim Church
Installation Services Pilgrim Curch, Dorchester, June 10, 1891for Rev. William H. Allbright]. (Dorchester, 1891).
Manual of the Pilgrim Congregational Church, Dorchester, Boston, Mass. (Boston, 1891).
Services of Dedication & Commemoration, Pilgrim Church, Dorchester District, Boston, Mass., October Fourth … (Dorchester, 1903).
Saint Gregorys Church (Roman Catholic)
Parise, Michael. History of Saint Gregorys Parish, Lower Mills, Dorchester and Milton, 1862-1987. (Dorchester, 1987).
Saint Marks Church (Episcopal)
Historical Account of St. Marks Protestant Episcopal Church, Dorchester, Ma.
Saint Marks Church (Roman Catholic)
Saint Marks Church. Golden Jubilee, 1905-1955, Sunday, November 20 – Thursday 24, 1955. (Boston, 1955).
Saint Marys Church (Episcopal)
Copeland, Guild A. St. Marys Church: Its Year Book of 1907 and Its History, 1847 to 1907. (Dorcheser, 1907).
Fiftieth Anniversary of the Foundation of St. Marys Parish, Dorchester, 1847-1897. (Boston, 1898).
Saint Peters Church (Roman Catholic)
Annual Reunion of St. Peters Parish, Dorchester. (Boston, 1907).
Emery, S.L. A Catholic Stronghold and Its Making. A History of St. Peters Parish, Dorchester, Massachusetts and of Its First Rector … (Boston, 1910).
Marnell, William H. and Tucci, Douglass Shand. St. Peters Church, 1872-1972. (Boston: Fandel Press, 1972). A centennial history.
Second Church
Allen, William. Historical Discourse, Delivered in Dorchster, January 2, 1848, on Occasion of the Fortieth Anniversary of the Gathering … (Boston: Press of T.R. Marvin, 1848).
Channing, William Ellery. A Sermon delivered at the Ordination of the Rev. John Codman, to the Pastoral Care of the Second Church of Christ in Dorchester, Dec. 7, 1808. (Boston: Joshua Belcher, printer, 1808).
Communication Made by the Proprietors of the South Meeting House in Dorchester, to the Inhabitants of the Town. (Boston: Belcher and Armstrong, 1806).
Little, Arthur. Dorchester, Second Church: A Sketch of Its History. Congregationalists Church Monograph, January, 1898.
Covenant and Declaration of Faith of the Second Church, Dorchester: with a List of Its Members. (Boston: Press of T.R. Marvin, 1852).
Means, James Howard. Historical Discourse on Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Gathering of the Second Church, Dorchester … (Boston: Press of Tr. R. Marvin & Son, 1858).
Means, James Howard. Historical Discourse on Occasion of the Seventieth Anniversary of the Gathering of the Second Church, Dorchester … (Boston: Frank Wood, 1878).
Packard, Edward N. Sermon and Addresses Commemorative of the Seventy-fifth Anniversary of the Second Church, Dorchester … (Boston: Frank Wood, 1883).
Proceedings of the Second Church and Parish in Dorchester, Exhibited in a Colection of Papers. (Boston, Printed by Samuel T. Armstrong, 1812).
Proceedings of the Second Church and Parish in Dorchester, Exhibited in a Colection of Papers. 2nd ed. Boston, Printed by Samuel T. Armstrong, 1812).
Review of Two Pamphlets, Which Were Published on the Subject of the Ecclesiastical Controversy in (Dorchester. Boston: Samuel T. Armstrong, 1814).
Robertson, Janet L. Puritan Heritage: A Brief History of Second Church in Dorchester. Boston, 1955.
Second Church. The Covenant and Declaration of Faith of the Second Church of Christ in Dorchester… (Boston, 1828).
Second Church in Dorchester [a cookbook]. (Dorchester, 1970).
Third Religious Society (Unitarian)
Memorial of the Proprietors of the New South Meeting-House in Dorchester. (Boston: Watson & Banks, 1813).
Lawrance, William Irvin. History of the Third Religious Society of Dorchester, 1813-1888. (Boston, 1888).
Stanton Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church
Chapman, Grace Olive. Record of Baptisms, 1886-1922. Stanton Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, Dorchester, Massachusetts. (Boston, 1941).
Chapman, Grace Olive. Stanton Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, Dorchester, Mass. (1937).
Village Church
Thurston, Philander. An Historical Discourse Commemorating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Village Church, Dorchester. Delivered March 9, 1879. (Boston, 1879).
Weis, Carrie M.W. History of the Village Congregational Church, Dorchester, Massachusetts. (Dorchester, 1929).