No. 392 Postcard. Mattapan Bridge, Mattapan, Mass. Postally unused.
The bridge that crosses the Neponset at the Upper Mills (at Mattapan Square) was built by the towns of Dorchester and Milton in 1733 and became known as the Upper Bridge. In the early 19th century, the bridge was part of the Brush Hill Turnpike, from Grove Hall to Mattapan and southward, now known as Blue Hill Avenue.
The following is from Boston. Forty-Second Annual Report of the City Engineer for the Year 1908. (Boston, 1909), 28.
Mattapan Bridge (from Dorchester to Milton)
This is a three-arch bridge of Melan construction, with granite facing. It was build in 1902 by the Metropolitan Park Commission is maintained by it. The arches are semicircular, two spans being 14 feet and one 50 feet; the bridge has one 56-food roadway and two 12-foot sidewalks. It is in good condition.

Wood, Frederic J. The Turnpikes of New England. (Boston, 1919), 149.