The Burying Grounds and Cemeteries Marking Dorchester's HistoryAlthough Forest Hills and New Hope are not in Dorchester, they are included here because we know that a number of Dorchester people were buried in those two cemeteries.
No. 13021 Entrance to Cedar Grove, 1885
For maps of Cedar Grove, copy and paste this link into your web ...
No. 13020 Codman Cemetery plan showing design of angel wings
Rev. John Codman, D.D., who died on the ...
No. 1325 Old Dorchester North Burying Ground
1 City of Boston website ...
Postcard. Cemetery Corner of Stoughton & Columbia [Columbia] Road, Dorchester, Mass. Postmarked 1906.
[Note: ...
Epitaphs from the Old Burying Ground in Dorchester, Massachusetts. (Boston Highlands, 1869)
see the Internet ...
No. 15023 Dorchester Soth Buryiing Ground Tombs.
The burying ground is located on the west side of Dorchester ...
Although Forest Hills is not in Dorchester, we know that many Dorchester people were buried ...
Receiving Tomb Dorchester Old North Burying Ground
no. 23783
Tomb 315
Receiving Tomb, formerly Mr. ...
Under Thaddeus Harris's tenure at the First Church it was seen that the congregation had outgrown its ...
St. Mary’s Cemetery, Bernard Street, Dorchester, MA 02124
This cemetery, off Norfolk Street, originally ...