Lyman fountain
No. 1635 Illustration published in Proceedings of the Dedication of the Fountain on Eaton Square, Ward 24, October 24, 1885, in memory of Theodore Lyman, Jr., Mayor of Boston in 1834-35. (Boston: Printed by Order of the City Council, 1886)
The Lyman Fountain was placed in the park at Eaton Square at the foot of Meeting House Hill in 1885. It was later lost, and a replacement fountain of lesser quality was placed in its site. A committee of neighboring stakeholders is trying to put a new ornamental fountain in the Square. Eaton Square is now also known as Coppens Square.
Proceedings of the Dedication of the Fountain on Eaton Square (October 24, 1885):
Ed Cook article:
No. 1636 Dedication of the foundaint