Material about Dorchester Schools


Printed Materials Relating to the Dorchester Schools

Boston, Mass. Schoolhouse Department. Annual Report of the Schoolhouse Department from February 1, 1905, to February 1, 1906. Boston, 1906.

Boston School Committee. Dorchester Celebration, 250th Anniversary of the Establishment of the First Public School in Dorchester, June 22, 1889. Boston, 1890.

Cushing, Thomas. “Reminiscences of Schools ad Teachers in Dorchester and Boston.” American Journal of Education, 34 (1884) 177-192.

Dorchester. Henry L. Pierce School. Pioneer. [Magazine of the Henry L. Pierce Intermediate School], June 1931.

Dorchester High School. Item. [Magazine of the High School and later the Dorchester High School for Girls.

Dorchester. High School. Year Book of Dorchester High School, 1924.

Dorchester. High School for Girls. The Item. Monthly publication by the students during the 1920s and 1930s.

Dorchester. High School for Girls. Year Book of Dorchester High School for Girls, 1928.

Dorchester. School Committee. Regulations, 1856, 1836, 1866.

“Dorchester, the Birthplace of Public Schools.” National Magazine, 58 (1930) 383-389.

Industrial School for Girls. Annual Report of the Board of Managers of the Industrial School for Girls, at Dorchester, for the years 1872. Boston, 1873.

Kozol, Jonathan. Death at an Early Age. The Destruction of the Hearts and Minds of Negro Children in the Boston Public Schools. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1967

* Kozol taught in the Gibson School on Ronald Street on Mount Bowdoin.

Littlefield, George Emery. Early Schools and School-Books of New England. New York: Russell & Russell, 1965.

Mowry, William Augustus. “The First American Public School.” Education 21 (1900-1901) 535-548.

Ring, Betty. “Mrs. Saunders and Miss Beachs Academy, Dorchester.” in the magazine Antiques, August, 1976.


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December 4, 2021

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